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Interior Painting Tips for the DIY Painter

5 min read
Interior Painting

Last Updated on February 5, 2022 by Journal Fact

Painting your home appears to be quite self-evident to you as a homeowner. There’s preliminary work like drop cloths and making sure the paint is completely mixed.

Professionals can provide you with a wealth of information when you begin your painting endeavor. This article entails useful interior painting tips for the do-it-yourself painters.

Knowing a few pointers will make your project go more smoothly and turn out better. The appropriate equipment and storage can make a big impact.

These pointers will ensure that you get better results. So, whether you’re planning to sell your home or simply want to change the colors in your home, here’s everything that you should know!

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Useful Interior Painting Tips for DIYers

Are you preparing to sell?  Altering your décor or performing basic home maintenance? These DIY painting suggestions will help you enhance the quality of your work while saving time and money.

Let’s start with the most obvious one…

Don’t forget to place a drop cloth on the floor

Cotton or canvas drop cloths are preferable to plastic drop cloths. Although plastic covering works, canvas stays in place and absorbs spills, whereas plastic does not.

Plastic ones are also more dangerous in nature, since they provide a chance of slipping.

Combine paint colors for a consistent color

For a consistent color, combine several paint cans in a large bucket. Paint color may vary somewhat from one can to the next throughout the room.

The difference may be evident if you have to open a new can in the middle of a wall. The difficulty is solved by mixing the paints together.

Estimate how much paint you’ll need and mix it in a 5-gallon bucket (a procedure known as “boxing”).

  • When estimating coverage when learning how to paint inside walls, add more rather than less. You can always re-use the leftovers by pouring them back into the cans
  • Simply plunge the roller into the paint bucket, then roll it along with the screen until it stops leaking, rather than using a roller pan.
  • Instead of using a roller tray, use a bucket and a roller screen for heavy projects.

Make sure your paint in the bucket doesn’t dry out

Paint from a half-empty can will dry out. Fill the air space in a paint can and drop golf balls in it or insert plastic wrap beneath the lid. Then, carefully seal it, and store the paint upside down.

Allow the paint to dry before cutting the tape loose for a clean edge

You can’t just remove the tape off the trim once the paint is dry. Between the wall and the tape, paint develops a film. And removing the tape breaks chunks of dried paint off the wall. So, before you remove the tape off, cut it loose.

Allow at least 24 hours for the paint to dry completely before cutting through the film with a sharp utility knife or box cutter knife.

To ensure that the paint is hard enough to slice neatly, start in an inconspicuous place. You’ll make a mess if you cut the paint while it’s still gooey.

Pull the tape up at a 45-degree angle as you cut the paint.

Use the appropriate primer

Before applying color to new drywall, use a water-based primer to cover defects and provide an even base.

Choose an oil-based primer if you’re painting paneling, water-damaged, or smoke-saturated walls. Or you can get help from a professional residential painting contractorin your neighborhood.

Make use of a paint grid

A paint grid is a rigid rectangular metal or plastic screen that attaches onto the bucket’s rim.

It aids in the removal of excess paint and ensures that it is uniformly distributed on the roller cover for even paint application.

Lap marks should be avoided at all costs

Keep a wet edge by painting the full height of the wall and then moving over slightly to overlap the last stroke with the next to avoid stripes formed by rolling over paint that’s already started to dry.

Brushes and rollers should not be washed

There’s no need to waste time washing rollers and brushes at the end of each day if your job is latex paint. The latex paint does not dry in cold weather.

Wrapping the paint-soaked ends of brushes and rollers in plastic bags is the quickest method to take a break for lunch or the evening.

Put them in the refrigerator and they’ll be ready when you are. Remember to remove them 30 minutes before you plan to resume painting. You’re ready to go once the paint has warmed up.

Cover clean parts with masking film

Masking film is a thin plastic sheet that comes in squares or rolls that may be folded up. Its thinness is crucial to its successful operation.

The masking film adheres to flat surfaces and maintains its position on its own. Masking film is held in place by static electricity.

Investing in a paint pen might be a good idea

Purchase a paint pen that allows you to load a small amount of your new paint color into it for later touch-ups.

Once filled, these pens keep the paint inside fresh for almost a year. Just be sure to give them a good shake before using to ensure the color comes out smooth and evenly.

Bonus Tip: Painting Techniques

Start with the trim and work your way up to the ceiling and walls.

When learning how to paint interior walls, professionals normally follow a specific order. They start with the trim, then the ceiling, and finally the walls.

This is because taping off the trim is easier (and faster) than taping off the walls. You don’t want to tape them both off, either.

You don’t have to be meticulous while painting the trim. Concentrate solely on achieving a smooth wood finish.

Don’t be concerned if some of the trim paint gets on the walls. You’ll hide it when you paint the walls.

Tape off the trim (using “easy release” painter’s tape) until it’s totally painted and dry (at least 24 hours), then paint the ceiling, then the walls.

The Take-Home Message

That’s all there is to it! To get a professional finish and enjoy beautiful walls, keep these guidelines in mind when painting. You can also add texture to your walls for a more sophisticated look.

However, DIY may not be the greatest option if you have limited time due to a hectic schedule. So, contact a professional residential Painter Matthews who will ensure that your home painting is hassle-free.

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