February 9, 2025

Journal Fact

Journal Fact Blog

Filing a Dog Bite Claim—Understanding the Legal Process

3 min read
Legal Process

Last Updated on August 21, 2024 by Journal Fact

Injuries sustained from dog bites can be minor or severe. Whichever the case is, you can seek compensation for it if the dog is someone’s pet. If the owner knew about the dangers or if there have been cases in the past, then the owner can be held liable. Owners should keep their dogs on leashes if the breed is known to cause trouble for other people. 

In Rockford, residents should be aware of their rights and how they can protect them. Furthermore, it does not matter how minor the injury is; if the dog has bitten you or harmed you, you can file a lawsuit against the owner. 

In order to file a lawsuit, you are going to need an experienced lawyer in the field. Tuite law can protect the rights of the people of Rockford. The lawyers at the firm will help you gather information and evidence to support your claim. They can also file a lawsuit if needed. At every step, you will be informed about the progress as well. 

What should we know about before filing a dog bite claim?

There are several things that you should keep in mind when making a dog bite claim:

  • You are generally given three years to make the claim. The claim will not be considered once the time has passed. 
  • The claim can be against the individual or the organization as well. 
  • It is the responsibility of the owners to keep other individuals safe from their pets. 

When can you say you are eligible for filing the dog bite claim? 

The compensation is valid if someone else’s dog bites you. The severity of the injury is not in question while making such claims. 

You are eligible to make a dog bite claim if:

  • You have been bitten in the last three years.
  • You can prove that the dog bit you.
  • The organization or the owner was responsible, and you can prove it. 
  • The dog bit you, and you were not the one who aggravated the situation.
  • The owner failed to take necessary precautions, which resulted in the injury.

What are the factors considered in compensation?

There are several factors that play a role in determining the compensation:

  • How much suffering a dog bite caused? 
  • If there is a scar on your body then where it is located.
  • Suffering financial losses as a result of the dog bite.
  • If there are long-term effects of the injuries. 

What are the things that you can seek compensation for?

Other than seeking compensation for dog bites, there are several different things in line. For instance:

  • The psychological impact left by the dog bite.
  • Injuries in the groin.
  • Amputations could be of fingers as well.
  • Scars to the face. 
  • Damages to the nerves in any part of the body. 
  • Getting bruises and sustaining damage to the soft tissues. 

Furthermore, if there are any losses in wages or medical expenses, they will also be included. Some of those things are listed below:

  • Private treatment costs until the person is fully recovered.
  • Losing wages for a temporary period.
  • Costs for travel will also be included. 
  • Medication costs and the prescription fee are included.

The claims may not be as high if minor injuries are reported, but the compensation will still be made. 

If the owner has provoked their dog to bite you, or even if it is a stray dog who bit you, you are entitled to seek compensation. 

Start the claiming process with a lawyer today!

Lawyers are experts in providing sufficient evidence to prove your claims and get you the compensation you deserve. 

It is essential to be able to prove that someone else’s dog caused the injuries you sustained. Therefore, having a lawyer is necessary not only to seek compensation but also to file a lawsuit if needed. 

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